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for moving, writing, reading, making, being and creating grounded in embodied pedagogies of body, mind and spirit. 

This set of conditions constitutes a method for choreo-graphing ways of being -with. Ways that cultivate attunement to the intra and infra, to what happens when nothing happens, an encounter, an event.Available as pdf file for downloading or printing out and use.

This method asks how this way of being-with can become a conscious artistic-pedagogic practice and how can it enable other ways of knowing and other stories of the self and understandings of contexts, environments and locations to unfold and be revealed through this process.

Can the artistic and the pedagogic be enabled by setting out conditions for chore-graphies to emerge? The intentional hyphenation of the word choreo (moving) – graphies (writing, drawing, marking) suggests a distinction away from the choreographic practice of dance and recasts itself into the living present to make possible writing, drawing, filming, photographing and sound/voice recording as ways of notating real time living experience into sequences of being-with.

annular marbling.jpg

Top: Suminagashi paper marbling on my home studio wall. 

Bottom: Preliminary diagrammatic visualisation of a how the process of research interconnects zones of conceptual, theoretical and practical activity. The annular shape alluding concurrently to the movement of expansion outward as well as to the spiritual symbolism of all encompassing time and space.

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