of presence and attention, of noticing the unnoticeable, the almost invisible and very quiet and the potentiality for these to create a range of intensities, emergences and moving forces for knowing, relating and attending to the present moment.
of extreme force, degree or strength
composing directing conducting
extremely slow closed light weak
not yet it
choping board
The Body's Silent Conversation with Things. (Abram, 2017, p.49)
Choreography is a negotiation with the patterns your body is thinking.
(Burrows, 2010, p.27)

your body
other bodies
if Being is being-with, then it is, in its
being-with, the "with" that constitutes Being; the with is not simply an addition.
(Nancy, 2000, p.30)

the process of coming into existence or prominence
following wandering listening

[...] a body is defined only by a longitude and a latitude: in other words the sum total of the material elements belonging to it under given relations of movement and rest, speed and slowness (longitude); the sum total of the intensive affects it is capable of at a given power or degree of potential (latitude). Nothing but affects and local movements, differential speeds. (Deleuze and Guatarri, 2004, p.304)


Something throws itself together in a moment as an event and a sensation; a something both animated and inhabitable. (Stewart, 2007, p.1)
Moving forces
strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement; in motion
extending winding rewinding elongating spreading out flexing retracting
feeling five minutes and thirty six seconds in the tips of the fingers internal rhythm of thing+body knees and top of the feet sore
create space

Abram, D. (2017) The spell of the sensuous: perception and language in a more-than-human world. New York: Vintage Books.
Burrows, J. (2010) A choreographer’s handbook. London: Routledge.
Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (2013) A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Nancy, J.-L. (2000) Being singular plural. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press (Meridian, crossing aesthetics).
Stewart, K. (2007) Ordinary affects. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.